Cox Hill via North Jumpingpound Ridge

July 1, 2020 · 125 words · 1 minute read hiking Canada

The hike

We hiked this one-way from the north end of Jumpingpound Ridge to Cox Hill and down to the Dawson equestrian area. The rest of the family biked a big loop from the parking lot. The hike was a gentle hike up and down but I heard it was pretty strenuous to mountain bike. The wildflowers were still out in full bloom and my favourite part of the hike was the open meadow between Jumpingpound Ridge and Cox Hill.

There were surprisingly few people out considering it was Canada Day! We barely saw anyone on the hike or on Highway 1.

Date: 2020-07-01

Location: Kananaskis

Friends: Ingrid

Moose mountain off in the distance.

Calgary off in the distance.

View of Yamnuska.

Interlude: Ingrid’s garden