Nihahi Ridge
July 26, 2020 · 237 words · 2 minute read
Kat and I attempted Nihahi Ridge while Greg and Chris biked the Elbow loop. This turned out to be a great idea. We were also trying to take it easy the weekend before our big trip.
Nihahi Ridge as a hike has never excited me but it turned out to be fun, especially the super-steep and slippery slopes, and the hands-on parts near the summit. We did not quite make it to the South summit but it was a good challenge.
Date: 2020-07-26
Location: Kananaskis
Friends: Kat
It was too hot and sunny to enjoy these meadows. We were granted a nice view of the ridge that we planned to climb though.
The end of the official hiking trail. It got steeper after this.
We must have come up this way.
Feeling good after we made it past the first scrambly bit.
I think we could have made it to the official South summit but we were both content to turn back at this point and leave it as a challenge for next time.
The full extent of the ridge…looked like a slog!
The descent, where there was much butt-scooting and crab-walking.
This “easy” scramble section made me nervous but it wasn’t as scary as it looked. Hopefully it feels better the next time I do this.
Back to the refreshingly icy Elbow River. We finished within 15 minutes of the boys so the timing was good.